Sunday Morning Service

Sunday 10.30 – 11.30am

The first 30 minutes (approximately) is spent in worship.

At approximately 11am, we will spend some time studying the Bible – usually in the form of a leader or visiting speaker teaching us.

Each week we celebrate communion, where we remember Jesus in the breaking of bread and drinking of wine.

We’re also live streaming the services on YouTube. These will be broadcast at the same time as the service, and will also be available for viewing afterwards. So, if you’re not able to be with us in person, or just want to see what goes on, why not view online?

Sunday 21st July

David – Getting Old

This week we have Julian with us to conclude our series on David, this week looking at David later on in life.

The reading will be from 2 Samuel 19:1-8


Sunday 14th July

Get up and ……..

Today’s service will be an all age service, looking at the man lowered through the roof for Jesus to heal.

The reading will be from Mark 2:1-12


Sunday 7th July

David: Idle Hands

This week we have Charles Earwicker with us for the next in our series on David.

The reading will be from 2 Samuel 11: 1-17&27


Sunday 30th June

David – Leading Well

This week we have Erik Cornelisse with us to look at the next part in our series on David – Leading Well.

The reading is from 2 Samuel 7:1-17


Sunday 23rd June

David – Man on the run

This week we have Julian with us, to continue our series looking at David.

The reading is from 1 Samuel 24:1-5


Sunday 16th June

David – A Friend Who Sticks Closer Than A Brother

Returning to our series on David, this week we have Charles Earwicker with us looking at the friendship between David and Jonathan.

The readings are from 1 Samuel 18:1-4, 1 Samuel 19:1-6, and 1 Samuel 20:12-17


Sunday 9th June

Extra-Fragrant Worship

This week is an all-age service looking at when Jesus was anointed with perfume, and how we can use what we have to worship.

The reading is from John 12:1-8


Sunday 2nd June

David – Facing the Giant

This week we have Martin Clay with us, continuing our series looking at David.

The reading will be from 1 Samuel 17


Sunday 26th May

David – The Unseen Apprentice

We have Julian with us today, to start us off on our new series, looking at the life of David.

The reading will be from 1 Samuel 16


Sunday 19th May

Worshipping Focuses Our Wavering Hearts

We have Charles with us today to cover the final in our series of ‘Whole life worship’. This week exploring how true worship of God is fuelled by love, and how worship also inspires a deeper love for God and others.

The reading will be from Revelation 2:1-7
