A club aimed at primary school children and their families. Children need to bring a responsible adult along with them!

It will be held on the 1st Saturday of every month, and will run from 10am until 12noon.

We will be doing a variety of different activities each month, which may include craft, games, snacks, cooking, and Bible stories. Some months we may even spend some time outside.

The event is free, and there is no need to book

If you have any questions about this, please contact us

H2O October Photos

Our second H2O event was held on Saturday October 1st.

As it’s around harvest time, we had a harvest theme. As well as hearing the story of Joseph from the Bible (and watching Joseph and the amazing technicolour dreamcoat!), we made bread, gardens, and seed pictures. There was also a seed/plant related treasure hunt.

Here are a selection of photos, showing some of the amazing creations people came up with

H2O September Photos

Our first H2O session was held on Saturday September 3rd.

As it was a new beginning, we looked at THE beginning – when God created the world and everything in it. There was a variety of different crafts, all of which involved creating something – birds, fish, animals, stars. There was also a space to just rest.

Here are a selection of photos, showing some of the amazing creations people came up with